A little story of...
A short history of iconoclasm
Iconoclasm 1. The beginnings of the history between Christianity and images We live among images. As if it were obvious. Photography marks a turning point in the modes of representation,...
A short history of iconoclasm
Iconoclasm 1. The beginnings of the history between Christianity and images We live among images. As if it were obvious. Photography marks a turning point in the modes of representation,...
A short history of abstraction
A short history of abstraction Introduction: Once upon a time: the image. Figure 1: Caravaggio, Narcissus, 1598-1599 There are no less than 13 definitions of this word in Larousse, from...
A short history of abstraction
A short history of abstraction Introduction: Once upon a time: the image. Figure 1: Caravaggio, Narcissus, 1598-1599 There are no less than 13 definitions of this word in Larousse, from...